The Impostor Syndrome Files

The Relationship Between Confidence and Mentoring

Kim Meninger Season 1 Episode 35

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we look at the important relationship between confidence and mentoring. My guest, Leang Chung, shares her personal journey as a previous corporate employee and recent entrepreneur. She stresses the critical role of mentorships in helping her to manage self-doubt and increase her confidence.

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About My Guest
Leang Chung is the Founder & CEO of Pelora Stack, HR strategist, speaker, career coach, instructor, and learning content designer. Throughout her career spanning 15+ years as an HR executive and trusted advisor, she partnered with business leaders to lead and scale transformational changes. Specializing in helping companies successfully transition from one business phase to the next. She has a M.A. degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University with a specialization in Change Leadership. Leang also sits on the board with the Global Connections for Women (GC4W) organization.