The Impostor Syndrome Files

Introversion and Impostor Syndrome

Kim Meninger Season 2 Episode 53

In this episode of the Impostor Syndrome Files, we look at the relationship between introversion and Impostor Syndrome. My guest, Steve Friedman, shares his story of feeling insecure and inauthentic as an introvert in the corporate world. He also offers great strategies for embracing introversion as a strength and being your true self.

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About My Guest
Steve Friedman is determined to champion a more authentic and successful
life for introverts. After struggling for decades as an introvert in the
corporate world, he began to learn about introversion while writing his
memoir,  <> In Search of Courage: An Introvert’s

Friedman now provides inspirational posts, quizzes, and insightful
resources for introverts at work and at home through his weekly blog at

Steve met his love, Jennifer, in Houston, Texas. Together, they have raised
three amazing children, Gwendolyn, Madolyn, and Noah. They have all traveled
the world and are now enjoying time hanging around the house together.


Introvert Superpower Quiz (over 890 respondents thus far):

Book:  In Search of Courage:  An Introvert’s Story